McAdams Shares

Getting Involved in Our Schools

At McAdams, Creating Experiences Through Experience is defined not only in our services to our clients but also the accountability we take supporting our local communities. McAdamsSHARES philanthropic group sponsors a local partnership with Communities in Schools Durham providing case management and support services to 23 at-risk students attending Shepard Middle School. Throughout the school year we have the pleasure of setting up in-office events to help connect with these students.

Our first featured event was a program kick-off which provided students an overview to our company through an on-site tour. McAdams employees engaged with the newly acquainted students and provided insight on what we do day-in and day-out.

Our next highly anticipated event showcased a pirate themed, scavenger hunt style Career Fair. A fun and creative twist as a career exploration opportunity. McPeers (our McAdams student volunteers) were decked out in pirate gear and handing out doubloons to the lucky students who finished their quest for treasure.

A little later this year, we will host an end of the year cookout to celebrate the student’s hard work and accomplishments throughout the school year. McAdams president, Mike Munn, will be showing off his grill master skills for a grand total of 60 guests, to include McPeers, Community In Schools staff members and the middle school students.

The overall goals for our partnership involve an integration of tailored services and specialized support to expose students to learning opportunities that extend beyond their immediate environment. McAdams’ continued engagement impacts the students through a positive culture surrounded by inspired members of the community who are committed to demonstrating care and thoughtfulness in their education and future. How are you getting involved in your community’s schools?