McAdams Leadership Strategizes Land Plans with ULI Charlotte
The Urban Land Institute (ULI) – Charlotte District Council has been active in providing Technical Assistance Panels (TAP projects) to local governments and non-profits for over 15 years. These TAP projects have helped a variety of local communities with growth issues, redevelopment strategies, land use studies, economic development and real estate positioning. ULI, together with the community, will assemble a team of professionals to take on these challenges during an intensive 2-3 day work session on-site to immerse the participants with the project and its parameters. Together the team prepares the materials and provides a presentation and final document to the community to support the goals of the project.
David Malcolm, RLA, Director of Planning + Design, recently participated with ULI in the development of two TAP projects for local communities. Both of these projects were to assist with development scenarios including strategies for positioning the subject properties for redevelopment. David’s role on these projects were to assist with the conceptualization of new development strategies and provide a cohesive land plan that balanced the project program with the variety of land uses surrounding the project. “I believe that together, with the excellent teams that ULI assembles, we are able to help our local communities understand potential land use solutions for key properties that have the ability to make impactful positive change to the surrounding neighborhoods by adding value through a framework land plan that can be implemented over time.” David believes that this work by ULI and the other volunteers is very important especially in how it brings together the various constituents and identifies common values to help move broad plans forward with consensus. Click Here to view the Holbrooks Road Study.