
Stormwater Review + Ordinance Update

McAdams is providing third-party stormwater review services to assist the County with on-going technical review of stormwater plans related to proposed development projects. These reviews start with the preliminary plat, through the site plan, construction drawing review and the final plats. Reviews are conducted for all types of development and include specialized reviews due to Coastal Area Management Act regulations, as well as, the fact that Currituck has different rules for the Mainland and Coastal areas. McAdams’ proficiency in navigating development strategies and working with the layering of different watersheds, sets of rules and other restrictions are key to the success of this contract. Additionally, Currituck has asked McAdams to perform field inspections and check certifications after the construction of measures to ensure fair turnover of facilities post-construction and when Home Owner Associations (HOAs) are turned over from developers.

  • Currituck County, NC
Project Owner
  • Currituck County
Services Leveraged
Project Types

McAdams is also helping Currituck County by evaluating, researching and writing stormwater regulations to lead, facilitate and provide technical guidance in updating the Currituck County Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.3 Stormwater Management and the Currituck County’s Stormwater Manual. We are responsible for providing professional recommendations regarding needed revisions to existing stormwater regulations and drafting document updates after receiving policy direction from Currituck County. As part of the manual addition, Currituck has specifically asked that McAdams employ a downstream analysis requirement similar to that which they administer in Camden County to look at site impacts beyond the property lines of a development site.