
Reedy Creek Weltand Mitigation Site Monitoring

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services hired McAdams to provide post-construction monitoring services at the Reedy Creek Wetland Mitigation Site. The stream restoration and wetland mitigation site was designed and permitted by another consultant and construction was completed in 2019 to generate credits for the City of Charlotte Umbrella Stream and Wetland Mitigation Bank. After construction was completed, additional wetland areas formed and the City worked with the Interagency Review Team (IRT) to add wetland credit areas to the project, requiring seven years of post-construction monitoring of these new areas.

  • Charlotte, NC
Project Owner
  • City of Charlotte
Project Size
  • 8.192 acres
Services Leveraged
Project Types

In 2023, McAdams began monitoring the additional wetland credit areas that were in the fourth monitoring year at the time. McAdams is performing quarterly site visits to perform visual assessments, measuring ponded depths in riparian wetland areas and collecting groundwater well data across the site. We are working with Carolina Wetland Services to complete the vegetation monitoring and soil boring assessments. Collectively our team evaluates hydrology, vegetation and soil data; prepares the annual monitoring report; and provides summary of overall site condition and success to the City.