
North Durham + Acadia Street Water Line Replacement

McAdams was contracted with the City of Durham to provide design services associated with water main replacement at Acadia Street (approximately 2,100 linear feet) and an extension of water main for the North Durham Water Reclamation Facility (approximately 1,200 linear feet). The purpose of the project was to provide new water mains in areas where the City was experiencing issues related to repeated leaks, breaks and maintenance access. McAdams completed surveying and subsurface utility engineering (SUE) field activities; design; and a cost opinion. Communication with homeowners on Acadia Street were a key element of this project. McAdams performed the following public outreach tasks to keep nearby residents informed and to minimize nuisances:

  • 30-day surveying notification letters
  • Seven-day notification door hangers for SUE and other noisy activities
  • Letters for field personnel to provide to residents asking questions during field activities
  • Durham, NC
Services Leveraged
Project Types