Pee Dee Road Pump Station Replacement
McAdams contracted with the Town of Southern Pines to conduct an assessment of the Town’s 17 sanitary sewer pump stations. Following this assessment, the Town desired to implement the recommendation of replacing the existing Pee Dee Road Pump Station. The existing pump station required confined space entry for maintenance and utilized a compressor-style pump, which puts a strain on maintenance staff. Additionally, the existing pump station capacity was unable to meet the minimum two feet per second velocity requirements in the existing force main. Therefore, McAdams was contracted to provide planning, design and construction administration services to convert the Pee Dee Road Pump Station to a submersible-style pump station. During the planning stage of the project, it was determined that the sewer downstream of the existing discharge location did not have the capacity to convey the flow from the proposed pump station. Therefore, McAdams performed additional surveying to determine the proper location to redirect the Pee Dee Road Pump Station force main and provided the design for the force main realignment. McAdams completed design, permitting and bidding services for the pump station and force main, and is now awaiting construction contract execution.
- Location
- Southern Pines, NC
- Services Leveraged
- Project Types