
Commerce Station Industrial Park

This project provided sanitary sewer infrastructure to support the development of the Commerce Station Industrial Park. The project alignment crossed several streams and wetland channels, as well as a transmission line easement and a colonial pipeline easement. Design of a future extension was included to provide access to parcels which the owner desired to bring into the boundary of the park. Due to the sensitivity of the gas mains within the colonial pipeline easement, ground penetrating radar was used to obtain initial depth and location of the lines for use in the preliminary designs. We were successful in adding additional legs of sanitary sewer to the project and stay within budget due to the budgeting assistance provided on the front end. One additional benefit is that because we provided the majority of the services in house, so we were better able to control the project costs and schedule from start to finish.

  • Huntersville, NC
Project Owner
  • Lake Norman Regional Economic Development Corporation
Project Size
  • 6,000 LF Sanitary Sewer Outfall
Services Leveraged
Project Types