
EB-5916 Fonta Flora State Trail

McAdams is designing two extensions of the existing section of the Fonta Flora State Trail (FFST) at Greenlee Park. The 0.36-mile northern extension will follow the banks of the Catawba River, cross over Nick’s Creek via a pedestrian bridge and end at Roby Conley Drive. The design also includes a trailhead at the northern terminus of the project at Roby Conley Drive. The 0.67-mile southern extension will cross over the Catawba River via a pedestrian bridge just south of its confluence with Buck Creek and follow along the northern river bank down to the southern terminus at Resistoflex Road. Additionally, the project was reviewed and analyzed for the most effective ways to make it feasibly funded and prioritized in future Strategic Transportation Investment cycles, as well as alternative funding mechanisms.

  • McDowell County, NC
Project Owner
  • McDowell County
Project Size
  • 1.03 miles
Services Leveraged
Project Types