News McAdams announces strategic acquisition of AVID Group® About the Transition


Patriot Point, Phase I

McAdams played multiple roles on this significant project for ONUS.  McAdams coordinated a required redesign of the water system and facilitated the approval process for the waterline and storage tank redesign. In addition, McAdams was called upon to provide project management during construction, construction inspection, coordination, administration and closeout services for this project, which consists of the following infrastructure:

  • 13,500 linear feet of four to 12-inch water main;
  • 250,000 gallon elevated storage tank;
  • 17,000 linear feet of eight to 24-inc gravity sewer;
  • 107,000 linear feet of 12-inch force main; and
  • Two submersible lift stations.

McAdams’ construction observation and project management personnel worked closely with the contractor to ensure that all military stakeholder groups were communicated with in an effective manner, and that the contractor was able to complete construction as efficiently and safe as possible.

  • Fort Bragg, NC
Services Leveraged
Project Types