
Preserve at Riverchase

This neighborhood borders the Catawba River providing river access to its residents. The property has very severe topography, which limited the number of lots that could be accommodated. Lot sizes very from 55 feet to 85 feet wide, covering a range of product types. Approximately 94 acres of natural open space is provided with walking trails, a pool and clubhouse amenity. McAdams designed and permitted a public pump station and 7,300 linear feet of six-inch ductile iron pipe force main to serve this project since there was no existing gravity sewer available to the site. Because the force main is not the long term solution for sanitary sewer in this area, McAdams also designed a 24-inch gravity sanitary sewer main across the project’s frontage with the Catawba River that temporarily connects to the pump station. When a new treatment plant is constructed downstream of this project in the future, the pump station will be taken off-line. Additionally, due to the fact that there was no public water serving this assemblage, McAdams designed and permitted a 3,600-linear foot 12-inch water main extension to serve the property.

  • Fort Mill, SC
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