The Oaks Condominiums
Several existing condominium units at The Oaks suffered from significant flooding during moderate and large storm events. McAdams prepared an analysis showing that the units would suffer from flooding during any storm event larger than the two-year storm. McAdams designed an additional storm drainage system to significantly reduce flood risk. There were several existing utilities in the area, making the route of the new storm pipe very difficult. The existing storm system featured multiple boxes with diverging flow, resulting in a complex hydraulic model to describe the system. Work in both Town of Chapel Hill and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) roadways was considered. The system was reviewed and approved by NCDOT and the Town of Chapel Hill, and construction was completed in the summer of 2019. No flooding, structural or otherwise, has occurred since the new system became operational.
- Location
- Chapel Hill, NC
- Project Owner
- The Oaks Condos HDA
- Project Size
- 100 FT (open channel); 520 LF (new storm pipe)
- Services Leveraged
- Project Types